Relief Effort for the Conflict & Crisis in Tigray, Ethiopia


The severity of the conflict has threatened the lives of millions of people, many of whom were already vulnerable. Those who have been more affected are the underprivileged, many of whom were already refugees or people displaced by man-made disasters, famine, and regional conflicts. Children are the most vulnerable. Many of them have been forced to leave school, and most of them are orphans and without any guardian. Our primary focus is on saving children and protecting them from harm and exploitation. Your donations go a long way towards saving lives.

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What is needed?

There are 5.2 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, including over 1.7 million people displaced across the Tigray region who need urgent support. We need to give people the essentials to survive. This includes shelter, water, food, and medicine. ​​Due to circumstances beyond their control, these refugees have witnessed horrors beyond description. They have experienced pain, hardship, and trauma. They need water, food, and medicine as well as kindness, support, and hope. We are doing everything we can by responding to the growing needs of children and their families in Tigray. We just need to make sure that we have enough to take care of everyone who needs us.

Children Affected by the Crisis

Saving the children has been our primary concern. Two-thirds of refugee children in the world never enroll in a secondary school. Please donate to make sure refugee children in Tigray Ethiopia can have a future.

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